Review of Finding Your G-Spot, a book that breaks the conventions of traditional Self-Help books

Breaking the conventions of traditional Self-Help Books!
The author decided to grab the reader’s attention in one glance and the title successfully does that for her.

Not all readers are keen on reading self-help books to handle the dilemmas they face in their lives but this book, in many ways, is different. The writing style is a measured concoction of Self-Help, Contemporary Fiction and Stand-up Humour.

The content of the book is relatable to millennium lifestyles and the author has subtly integrated many real-life situations to get the point across clearer.

The format is well-thought out – the chapter headings are quirky, the starting quotes give you a teaser to the topic and there are titillating one-liners that will leave you thinking for a bit. The book contains some Do-it-yourself exercises that encourage you to analyze yourself and grow, as a result.

The language of the book could hold different appeal to different readers. Some may consider it as too brazen or direct, while others might appreciate the honesty of it all. It is a rather chatty book where the author is a friend simply conversing with you, on her deepest thoughts, questions, fears, desires, sharing learnings from her experience and helping you change your approach and mind-set.

Even though the book addresses deep questions all of us face in life, the approach, language, and examples are all very easily written, so this book is readable by the average reader. It requires more emotional connect than intellect.

Conclusively, the book is a super-refreshing read – deep yet humorous, emotional yet practical, sure to ignite your grey cells, get you to re-evaluate your life and make you feel empowered to build a truly meaningful journey full of moments that you will cherish.

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