10 Emma Watson Recommended Books You Must Read

Just like the fictional character of Hermoine from the Harry Potter series, Emma Watson loves to read. Over the years, she has used her social profiles to tell people what she is reading. She is known to have taken a long break just to read. After watching her in movie adaptations of famous books and listening to her various speeches, you can assuredly pick one of Emma’s recommended books. We compile a list of Emma-approved books here:

1) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green:

Emma once told John Green on Twitter that she stayed up till 4 to finish reading this book. This book has become so popular that most of us have already read it. But, if you have you been living under a rock, you must waste no further time to pick this beautiful book.

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2)The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Emma was so moved by the storyline of this book that she didn’t have to think twice about starring in the movie adaptation.

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3)The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

This one is a no-brainer. Thie Ayn Rand classic features on favorite lists of most people.

4) Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

When Emma was asked about books that have influenced her, she mentioned this particular book.

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5) A Thousand Splendid Suns by Kalhed Hosseini

While interviewing Noble Laureate Malala Yousafzai, Watson talked about how much she loved this book.

Flipkart: Rs 250

6) The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro

In an interview with Harpers Bazaar, Emma talks about this book as one of her favorites for “its expression of the consequences of discretion.”

7) Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaria

In a tweet to the author, Emma was clear that she absolutely loved this book.

8) The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler

With laughter and compassion, Ensler transports her audiences to a world we’ve never dared to know, guaranteeing that no one who reads The Vagina Monologues will ever look at a woman’s body the same way again.

9) ‘Women Who Run With Wolves’ by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Thoughtfully written and compelling in its arguments, Women Who Run With The Wolves gives readers a new sense of direction, a self confidence and purpose in their lives.

10) ‘The Diving Bell and the Butterfly’

While we talk about new books to read, check out amazing offers on books on Flipkart here

