Interview with Satish Goyal, author of Together Forever to Never

After reading the heart warming story served with honesty, we had a lot of questions for the author of Together Forever To Never (TFTN), Satish Goyal. And we are aware our readers feel the same. So, here is a little insight into the thinking of the author:

The Bookoholics: TFTN is not exactly the kind of book one expects from a finance expert, how hard was the decision?

Satish Goyal: I am a finance professional and a Vice President at Genpact. I could have easily written a book on topics like ‘the art of making money’ or ‘how to be successful in one’s career’. But having experienced true love in my own life and having seen disintegration of relationships that once promised to last ‘forever’, I felt strongly about writing about true love, loss and what one goes through after that. I believe that anyone who can feel, can write, and one must write on topics close to one’s heart.

TB: They say a writer’s first book is almost autobiographical, how much of that is right for you?

SG: TFTN isn’t a autobiographical. But every writer picks instances from real life and weaves a story. I have witnessed some very beautiful relationships around me, that truly justify the tags like ‘made for each other’ or ‘the perfect couple’. I have also witnessed painful end to relationships in close circles, and the aftermath. This book picks from many such experiences.

TB: What did you want the readers to understand or feel after reading the book?

SG: Together forever to never, through it’s protagonist Samar portrays what true love is, and how someone in love, just doesn’t want to give up on his or her relationship, no matter what. I want my readers to love the way Samar does, but at the same time, not to turn blind in the process of loving. Love is the most beautiful feeling and the most powerful emotion. If you experience it, value it, and preserve it. As my dear friend Moonish says, ‘Unlucky are those who get true love and lose it.’

TB: What advice would you give for the people who get cheated or lied to in a relationship?

SG: After one is cheated in a relationship, one feels that the world has come to an end. It takes time, but one finally recovers and comes to terms with the reality. My advise to my readers is i) To love truly ii) Do not lose oneself in the process of loving someone and iii) if you end up being cheated, it’s not the end of the world. There is life beyond, and once you heal yourself, life become beautiful once again. Love happens more than once in life. There’s someone better waiting for you out there.

TB: The current dating scene in India is very different from what Samar and Monali had. What are your thoughts about that?

SG: The feeling of love hasn’t changed since mankind came into being. Yet it’s true, these days lots of youngsters indulge in casual relationships. But there comes a time in everyone’s life, when one encounters true love, and that’s when one realises the importance of love, relationships, and that one special person with whom one wants to spend the rest of the life.

TB: Do you really believe in the Greek Myth about Zeus separating the soulmates?

SG: Yes, I do believe in the Greek mythology. I do believe that for each one of us, there is that one special person, who’s made just for us. We feel the connection with that person within minutes of meeting. And when that happens, it’s the most beautiful feeling in the world.

TB: How would you define a perfect relationship?

SG: A perfect relationship is one in which both partners care for each other’s happiness and feelings. It also means ignoring the little imperfections we all have, and just focus on the foundational elements of a relationship, which are; love, respect, caring, sacrifice and growth of each other.

TB: What publishing advice would you give to new authors?

SG: This is my first book, so I don’t have a plethora of advice to give. Still I would say that whatever one writes, it should be close to one’s heart. Writing a book needs a lot of patience, and it takes months to write a book. The most important thing is to have your entire storyline in your mind when you start writing, and create a skeleton in the form of chapters. This ensures that you always stick to your basic storyline and don’t get lost on the way.

TB: How did you market your book?

SG: I have mostly relied on digital marketing via Facebook and Instagram so far. I do plan to extend it to print media soon.

TB: Is there a second book on the way?

SG: Yes, I am about to finish my second book shortly. It’s part of the ‘Coaster Series’, a series of books that I and my dear friend Moonish Sood plan to write. The title of this first book, which is just prose, is “In love with you”

