Review: Dhi’s Parables of Divine Transformation by Saudamini Mishra

In a crowd of cliche self-help books, there is ‘Dhi’s Parables of Divine Transformation’ written by Saudamini Mishra standing apart. A collection of short stories that helps you look at your “flaws” in a different light.

We see each of the stories (named after each protagonist) through the narrator’s eyes and are at once immersed into the story-telling with the easy language and the relatable emotions that the characters go through. Each story speaks to the reader, even though some of them are generations apart from us both plot and theme-wise.
They speak about the life and its shenanigans in all its whimsical glory, with many ups and even more drastic downs. And even the characters are so so realistic and relatable, that you simply lean into the story picturing yourself into the shoes of the protagonist.

This enticing little story collection feels at times like a good theatre performance, due to its visual imagery and writing style, where veteran actors are playing their roles with the right amount of drama and flair.

Definitely pick this book up for that perfect weekend read on a wintery evening where you just want an uplifting and engaging book that you can dive in and come out for air only after finishing it in one seating.

You may buy the book here: Amazon, Flipkart

