Even the mere thought of writing a review for A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is enough to bring tears to my eyes..
It’s a beautiful and heart wrenching story of two women, Mariam and Laila, who are a generation apart in ages but end up marrying the same guy which leads to both their fates being entwined with each other.

The story is both infuriating and beautiful, rich in details and so so frightening, full of tragedy and yet it yearns to teach you hope.
With the backdrop of a war torn Afghanistan where the already downtrodden and sorry plight of women takes a turn for the worse due to the rise of Taliban in power, you find yourself on a rollercoaster ride of emotions with both these strong and beautiful women who are dealing with everything that life throws at them (literally and metaphorically) one punch at a time.
There is so much darkness and pain in this book that it would have been easy to lose yourself and wallow in despair, but just when you think you cannot bear it any more, you come across unconditional love and hope for the future that makes your heart soar.