Ritu Purvey, co-author of 2 anthology books ( Midnight- by the Youth of India and Daffodils- Volume 1) and storyteller, grows and glows with her experiences and observations each day. She always tries to write what her soul allows her to write with keen observation. Purvey recently entered the field of writing, and Daily Reminders for the 20s is her first novel.

1. Describe your experiences with depression and anxiety, if any.
There was a time when I had self-doubts a lot and because of that I used to feel anxious. Later I realized that the world can anytime go against you but you’ve to stand with yourself and you’ve to support yourself and fight for yourself all the time.
2. What inspired your literary curiosity?
I’ve got a habit of expressing things in a beautiful way, so when I used to speak, sometimes people used to say things like from which book or movie you copied this dialogue and I never got it. When I was growing up, like every other friend I used to cheer up my friends when something bad happened to them and they used to say to me you motivate really well with your words like that while growing I heard many comments related to my way of talking and I realized that god has gifted me this talent of expressing something in a beautiful way and literature is all about that and especially I’m good with motivating people so why shouldn’t I give a try for being an author and motivator at the same time.
3. Describe some daily habits that helped you in your twenties.
Daily habits of mine-
- Sleeping early by 11 pm at least, most of the days like in a month there are only 3-4 days when I go to bed after 11.
- Spending some quality time with myself- I dance in that time, watch something, give myself a treat to myself without any reason just to appreciate myself, etc. It really boosts my confidence.
- Trying every single thing which I always wanted to try without any fear or shame because it’s my life, so I’m just living it because once it’s gone, it’ll never be back. so better to try rather than regret it later.
- Not keeping regrets, if I do something bad then I’ll feel bad for once, then I promise myself that I’ll never repeat that again and move on. Not keeping regrets about those times I gave to something which is not worth it because I gave those times that’s why now I know that’s not worth it, without giving enough time you can’t say whether something is worth it or not. so be happy it’s life, we all are living it without prior experience so let’s do what we feel is right.
Very Important Tip-
- Repeat and try to make yourself understand every single day that whatever happens is good for that particular time or situation, maybe it’s something that you never wanted to happen but still, there is a worst that didn’t happen so be happy and stay calm. Later on, you’ll realize whatever happened and why it was supposed to happen, and trust me you’ll feel good that time.
4. What was the source of inspiration for ‘Daily Reminders for the 20’s’?
Source of inspiration I would say this god gifted life, I experienced some things, I observed some things, I saw people trying hard to be happy, to be the unique one in a room, and that used to hit me like I should go and tell them that you don’t have to this hard, you’re anyways unique or you can be happy just by accepting yourself as you’re and accepting the things what you’ve but couldn’t able to because sometimes people take it in a wrong way even if you try for good so I thought I should write it, those who actually want to learn these things will take me in a positive way through my book. And I genuinely feel that maybe I can help people in keeping their life on track so I tried.
5. Tell us about the first book you read that made you cry.
Honestly speaking I’m not someone who reads books, very recently I started reading but that’s self-love, self-motivation kind of books so I never cried by reading a book.
6. How can your book make a difference in someone’s life?
I’ve heard that you better learn what an experienced one is trying to teach you, or time will teach you. So honestly, from my side, I’ve just tried to help this generation especially, who actually knows most of the thing but gets confused with so many things. I belong to this generation so I can feel what’s going on and what kind of support one needs because anyone can say things like everything will be fine, let it go, don’t stress too much and all but “how” this nobody tells and I personally feel when you feel the same pain by keeping your foot in all the shoe sizes then only you know that ok this is what I need because every time you don’t need that high motivation, sometimes you actually feel low and that’s fine.
Sometimes we just need some reminders to get back on track, and here this book wants to be your life tracker. It’ll help you come back on track and continue the game of “life”.
7. What are some of your life’s passions?
My life passion is to live and enjoy every single day in whatever I’m doing. I keep trying new things for myself, sometimes it turns out to be a good thing for me, sometimes it becomes a bad one but I don’t stop myself, I keep trying because there’s only one life so why stop at one thing?
8. A piece of advice for our readers, please?
Take yourself seriously and not others’ opinions or anything. People will tell you not to be this serious, enjoy your 20s, go party, etc but this advice always comes from those people who didn’t take their life seriously and now they’re struggling to survive every day or who don’t care much about your success or failure. So kindly take yourself seriously, always prefer what’s good for you, what’s peaceful and comfortable for you, and don’t choose anyone or anything for short-term pleasure.
Complementary Tip-
Heartbreaks are a part of life, you learned how to walk by falling down on the floor but see yourself today you can run. Feel proud that the universe made you feel this pain at this small age so that you can become stronger while growing up and nobody can harm you later.