“How a 14-Day Leave and a Divine Awakening Turned My Dream Novel into Reality” – Bhanupriya Bisht author of Divine Dreamer

Q.1 What was your writing process like for this book? Did the story evolve as you wrote, or did you
have a clear vision from the start?

I used to limit myself to short stories and poems until the year 2021. But after meeting my colleague who had already completed her work and uploaded on WATTPAD, I was motivated to do the same. I  started writing on the mobile app whenever I got spare time. Sometimes I was typing the story in half wakefulness as that was the time, most ideas to progress the story would arrive to me.  The story hit a halt after a while and I forgot about it. As I am a working professional who gets little time for hobbies as such completing this novel became a dream for me. But God came to rescue and that year many of us were sent to mandatory 14 day leaves which came as a blessing for me. I locked myself in a room at the my sister’s home and started researching for the other novel “Elevating your  consciousness “ and while the researching I was guided to read Yog Vashistha and my God that book opened new pathways for me. In a half wakeful state the story moved in front of my eyes like a movie roll and the story of DIVINE DREAMER kickstarted into new dimensions!

Q.2 The story reveals secrets of unknown parallel worlds. Can you elaborate on how you developed
these worlds and what they represent?

Previously I mentioned about the book Yog Vashishta which is called Maha Ramayana and story of Shri Ram’s enlightenment. This very book somehow unlocked some dormant esoteric knowledge for me and connected me to these parallel worlds. I also realised this book was indeed the base of sci-fi movies of Hollywood director Christopher Nolan like Inception. Mostly eveey scipture, saint have talked about of this world being a Cosmic dream and an illusion, I was able to closely self-realise this understanding in my life too and weave story arount it.

Q 3.  Given the complex publishing process in India, what was your experience?

The traditional publishing method is really complex and not accessible for new writers like me. The agent game and all that jazz further complicates it for budding writers! Self publishing came easy to me and I landed your publishing venture from Instagram which was a blessing for me. Thank you 🙂

Q 4. If your book was adapted into a movie, what would be your dream casting?

 Wow! only imagining it makes me so happy. I would really like cast from TVF to be in the movie for my book. TVF has very great deal of actors like Jeetu, Nidhi. I believe they will do justice to my book.

Q. 5. If you were to re-create the ending of one book, which book that would be and what would you

Honestly speaking I would not like to change any endings. They are what they are supposed to be. 

Q 6 If there’s one key takeaway you want readers to have after finishing your book, what would it

I would really like people to not take life too seriously as it is just a role play and be reminded that they are multi dimensional beings.

Q 7 Describe a lesser-known aspect of Bhanupriya.

Bhanupriya loves to be a child. She doesn’t want her innocence to get diluted by any rough lessons life teaches her. She just want to be that child who loves to have fun, laugh and be present in every moment of life.

Buy the book : https://www.amazon.in/dp/9361856782

Connect with the author : Instagram id : https://www.instagram.com/thecosmicredeemer/

