Q 1 What inspires you to write? A piece of advice for aspiring writers.
I draw inspiration from everyone I come across and their hardships. My advice to aspiring writers is that no matter what, one should never give up and should always follow their passion for writing.
Q 2 What are some of your life’s passions?
Apart from writing poetry, I love Public speaking. Looking after my 4-year-old daughter is my new passion nowadays.
Q 3 Do you believe that a poet needs to have strong emotions?
Many of my poems are purely my emotions towards my country, city, and my near and dear ones. So yes in my opinion a poet should have strong emotions so that he can feel things around him and can give them the form of the poem.
Q 4 What themes or subjects do you often find yourself drawn to in poetry?
I mostly draw inspiration from everyone and everything around me
Sometimes that can be any of my loved ones or someone/ something I randomly meet or see.

Q 5 Describe a lesser-known aspect of Rama.
A lesser-known aspect of me is that I am a very emotional person and quite submissive to my family and friends.
Q 6 How do you balance your life and find time to write?
Being a working woman and mother of a toddler, I hardly get time to write
Most of my poems are written on the spot or sometimes I really snatch time from 24 hours, to write. But yes as they say if you love something, you will find time for it and poetry is one of my first few loves. So I somehow managed time to follow my passion.
Q 7 How do you see the role of poetry in today’s society?
Poetry is the way of expression, by poetry, a poet helps society understand emotions and also helps in social awareness on various issues.
By following the path of emotion and imagination poetry transmits human values. It also helps increase the knowledge about history and various other subjects in a beautiful way.
Q 8 Are there specific messages or feelings you hope your readers take away from your poetry?
Definitely! My poems are on different topics like country, mother, love, daughter, soldier, etc. so readers will have insight into these subjects. For example one of my poems is about The Pink City -Jaipur, it will take readers on a tour of this beautiful city and also narrate interesting facts about Jaipur.
Apart from this, take take-home message for my readers especially women is, to never quit, never keep urself on the last priority always follow your passion as I am trying to do.
Q 9 Tell us more about the book.
श्रव्या – ध्वनि अल्फाजों की , is my debut book. It’s a Hindi poetry book.
It consists of 35 beautiful poems on various subjects ranging from emotions, family, love, patriotism, etc.
Q 10. Given the complex publishing process in India, what was your experience?
I didn’t feel that the process was complex. My experience was very good.
In fact, everyone from Papertown Publishers has been very polite and helpful, they explained everything to me very professionally.
The only challenge for me in publishing my book was, taking out time of my very busy schedule.