Review: The Sun is also a Star by Nicola Yoon

“It’s a small thing. But it feels like we’ve been doing this forever.” 

The Sun is also a Star is an absolute love. That’s all I can say about it.

Plot (No Spoilers)

It’s a story of Jamaican-American, illegally living in the US, soon to be deported girl, Natasha, and Korean-American, dreamer, poet, forced to be a doctor, a cute boy with a ponytail, Daniel. Natasha is getting deported tonight with her shattered dreams of studying science in the US due to her father’s DUI. Even on the last day, she doesn’t give up and goes to the immigration office.

Daniel is supposed to get a haircut and go for an alum interview for Yale. He is hopelessly romantic, a dreamer and a poet at heart. But when you are a Korean-American, you only get to be a doctor. On his way, he decides to let the universe dictate his last day of childhood. He sees Natasha and with the sign DEUS EX MACHINA printed at the back of her jacket which means God from the machine. She enters a store called Second coming. Seeing it as a sign from the universe he follows.
Natasha is a science nerd and can’t get herself to believe in love, which is nothing but some chemicals. And Daniel is all about fate, destiny, love and something more. He asks her out for coffee after saving her from a car accident. They get to talking about love. Daniel says if Natasha allows he can scientifically make her fall in love with him. Natasha agrees because of science! They do fall in love, but Natasha is getting deported tonight, remember?

My heart after reading the book:

The story is narrated by Natasha, Daniel, and the Universe. Every moment in their life has led them to his. The universe conspires at every step to make them meet. It’s super romantic and cute with a lot of science and facts. Daniel’s chapters start with a mocking newspaper headline. He is funny, sincere and earnest. Then there’s universe giving us a whole new perspective on the things around them and how their actions are affecting other lives.They both talk as if they have known each other forever. They notice the little things. How when Daniel tugs at Tasha’s jacket to move her farther from the sidewalk, she instantly falls back and gives in to his protection.
No matter how heartbroken you are, this book will make you believe in love and passion.

PS: It’s soon going to be a movie!


