Book review: Life In The Sunshine by T Sathish

For someone whose interest in cricket is limited to IPL 20-20 matches, this book was surprisingly enjoyable. T Sathish has written a bible for Cricket fans. A book that takes you to the glorious history of cricket in the ’90s. Though the book is centered around cricket, it is much more than cricket. He talks about the game with such passion that for a moment you consider turning into a cricket fan, if you are not already.

Though a lot of pages are anecdotes & the feelings our gang goes through while watching India play against other teams, it doesn’t leave you out of the narrative. For people who have actually watched these matches & are big fans, this book is a delight.

The characters are relatable & funny. You will fall in love with the apparition of Abdul & the Narad Muni Trib. For in your life, you know a Sat, Sam or Trib who play cricket and know the game well. That said, Sathish has added the other aspects of life as well roping in his cricket analogies. We see Sat lose heart. From winning- living life, he turns to someone just going through the motions. And its with the help of cricket, a game he thought he had lost at, that he grows up & finds himself. The little love story & friendship of triple sundae will warm up your heart just right.

You might feel the need to call your chuddy buddies whom you used to play gully cricket with and talk about those times.If you are someone who loves & plays cricket, you will get a lot of tips to improve your game and get better at it.

I was not looking for a moral, but this one taught me that nothing you do in life is a waste. Doesn’t matter if you fail or succeed at it. Whatever you do or learn in life will help you in one way or another. Life in the Sunshine is like listening to a cute boy with a sparkle in his eyes talk about his love for cricket & in the the process falling for him. The book is a must-read for all the people who love or play cricket &for the ones like me, the the book won’t disappoint you. You will find your brother, father, or husband’s essence in the book, & maybe you will understand them a little better.

