It seems like we are hooked to thrillers. But what can we do, when we grab hold of the best of the lot?

Our current read, ‘Kill the Daisy’, is a debut novel, but does not seem that way at all, right from the very beginning. Lily Homes is too tired of the secrets that her dad is keeping from her. But, when she begins to ask questions, a whole new world opens up for her. The premise of the book intrigued us to a great extent, and so, there was no way for us to not pick it up.

Right from the start, it is giving us the feel of a great build up. As a thriller should, the words are well written and the characters stand out exceptionally. There is great depth in the detailing and background of characters, so that there is no space for confusion further down the book. From what we have read so far, the book seems fast-paced, and every chapter ends with a cliffhanger, which makes it hard as readers to stop reading. This is a one-of-a-kind mystery, since this whole book seems like an incomplete puzzle, waiting to be completed at the very end. The attention to detail is intricate, making us guess what is going to happen next.

We cannot wait to finish this book and post our complete review. The anticipation is sky high, and there is no scope of disappointment whatsoever. Stay tuned for an exciting giveaway coming your way. Also, if you are a fan of thrillers, do pick up this book. You will be glued to it till you finish it, we promise.

