Interview of Priya Parab author of Aikya: Oneness: The Journey Within

Q 1 Tell us more about the book. 

This guidebook focuses on life skills for maintaining a healthy body and mind, whether you’re in good health or facing a chronic illness. I have personally battled cancer four times over the past eight years, despite having led a very healthy lifestyle. The book emphasizes how a strong body and mind can combat chronic illness and regain good health, even when the prognosis from doctors seems bleak. It also includes interviews with cancer survivors, offering hope and inspiration to those who are courageously fighting this challenging disease.

Q 2 Given the complex publishing process in India, what was your experience?

This being my first book, it was a good learning experience.

Q 3 What inspires you to write?

My journey through cancer has helped me discover my life’s purpose and rekindled my passion for living with a renewed perspective. I see many people around me grappling with mental and physical health challenges, and I feel compelled to share the insights and life skills that helped me navigate my way back from the edge.

Q 4 What are some of your life’s passions?

I am passionate about reading and conducting research to expand my knowledge.

Q 5 Are there specific messages or feelings you hope your readers take away from your book?

I hope that, after reading this book, readers feel inspired to take control of their lives. I wish for this book to spark a meaningful exploration within, guiding them toward answers to life’s profound questions. For those battling illness, I hope this book serves as a supportive hand, lifting them out of their suffering.

Q 6 Can you share your daily ritual for balancing your life?

I believe in practicing moderation in all aspects of life. I have thoroughly detailed my meal plan and the routines I follow to maintain a healthy body and mind, in this book.

Q 7 Do you believe that a writer needs to have strong emotions?

Well, I have written and analyzed “emotions” as one of the root causes for disease, in my book. So I would not like to comment more, here on “strong emotions” 🙂

Q 8 Tell us about the book that changed your life.

I have been an avid reader all my life. So books like Health and Nutrition journals, biographies, books on leadership, and Recipe books to the Dan Brown series, all have been a part of my influential years. There is no single book that I can pinpoint.

Q 9 Tell us about the most challenging part of writing.

Editing. By nature, I do not like to revisit my work once done. So the editing part that made me re-read my pages again and again was the most difficult part for me.

Q 10 Describe a lesser-known aspect of Priyayana.

Priyayana is my pen name and it means the cherished path. It refers to the new path that I have embarked on, now.

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