“Unlocking Your Inner Power: How Chakra Healing Can Help Women Realize Their Divine Potential”: Promila Gupta: Why Waste Womanhood Author

Q.1 What inspired you to write Why Waste Womanhood?

Why waste womanhood happened to me when one fine evening a few years back, I suddenly realized that women are made so strong by God and their innate qualities are so divine and powerful yet they don’t realize this truth and waste their precious feminine energies in doing things they don’t want to do. I wrote the book after deep realisations about the divinity of feminine qualities innate in all women.

2. What advice would you give to women who are beginning to explore their spiritual potential but are unsure of where to start?

My advice to all the women who are trying to explore their spiritual potential is that they should start with a simple 10 minutes visualization of their chakras. They should use the simple techniques of Pranic healing as explained in the book and just start. Soon they would be able to realize so much about their true self. There will be no turning back after that.

3. Given the complex publishing process in India, what was your experience.

I was trying to get the book published through some old, traditional publishers but a response was not forthcoming. After a point of time, I realized that I needed to get my manuscript published now. So I didn’t wait for long after that. My experience with Paper Town has been excellent.

4. The book speaks to the idea that a woman should love her womanhood more deeply. How do you define self-love in this context, and why is it essential for spiritual liberation?

Self-love is the base from where the spiritual journey can be started. Without self-love, self-realization is not possible. Women need self-love more than men because they are naturally inclined to give more than receive, representing Mother Nature. So for women of today, learning to love and accept themself is extremely important and crucial if they want to be one with their souls and realize their true potential. 

 I need to clarify here that self love is different from self pity or feminine ego. It is pure in its essence and purely focuses at spiritual growth and evolution.

5. In what ways do you think today’s societal expectations are hindering women from realizing their full spiritual potential? 

Societal expectations don’t really hinder a woman’s spiritual growth as much as women themselves do. Society expects from women because women expect from themselves too. Society only reflects back their own aspirations from them. Women need to demand a bit less from themselves and love a bit more to reach their true potential.

6. What do you hope readers will take away from Why Waste Womanhood?

Readers, presuming them to be mainly women, should take away a great deal of positivity from the book and a determination as well to explore their true selves by using chakra cleansing and energizing techniques. The book will help in making each woman, who is going to read it, understand as to how they are full of such divine qualities which can make them achieve anything that they wish to achieve.

7. Describe a lesser known aspect of Promila

 I am deeply spiritual and feel completely one with my soul and my Divine guru , Mahavtar Babaji. I walk on the path shown by Him without thinking much as I am sure He will take care of everything. I live life as it comes and feel happy almost all the time, thanks to the grace of God!

8. What role do you see women playing in changing the societal narrative about womanhood, and how can they lead this transformation?

All the changes that women want, need to start from them. Women can lead this transformation by transforming themselves. They need not remain focused the their typical traits of womanhood to achieve the desired changes in society, rather they must rely on those divine traits that are innate in all women. 

Women need to balance their masculine and feminine energies by getting connected to their souls to become their best selves and for the realization of their desired goals.

Connect with the author: https://www.instagram.com/themila.official/

Buy the book: https://www.amazon.in/dp/9361859943

